Strawberry cultivation in greenhouses using hydroponic systems

Strawberry cultivation in greenhouses using hydroponic systems

The strawberry or red strawberry is a perennial plant of the Fragaria genus that belongs to the Rosaceae family. One of the main plants grown in hydroponics is the strawberry. The need for crop rotation is influencing the investigation of new forms of cultivation to give continuity to their needs.

How to grow strawberries?

One of the best methods for growing strawberries is hydroponics through greenhouse strawberry cultivation. The cultivation of strawberries in protected environments such as the hydroponic system of JH Hydroponic Systems, allows the reduction in the development of pests and plant diseases. This hydroponic system allows greater control over the number of nutrients that the plant needs and helps to optimize resources, generating significant savings; Thanks to this drainage collection system from Hydroponic Systems, fresher fruits are obtained, of higher quality and quantity in less time.

With the cultivation of strawberries in the greenhouse (using hydroponic systems), we have the ability to advance the dates of maximum production compared to traditional cultivation systems. Another great benefit is that we also obtain higher production per square meter since it allows us to increase the planting density.

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Strawberry growing systems

The use of hydroponic systems for strawberries generates a great optimization of resources. This cultivation system allows: techniques that reduce soil contamination, the possibility of recirculation of drains, greater quantity and quality of the crop, allows cultivating anywhere, optimization and improvement of working conditions (reduction of at least 50% in harvesting costs), higher yields and profitability of the crop.

If you want to know more or set up a hydroponic system to grow strawberries, please contact us without obligation:

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If you have any questions about which hydroponic cultivation system is better or more profitable for growing the best products in greenhouses or tunnels, consult us. Our agricultural advisory experts will recommend the best option without obligation.


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