Hydroponic Systems receives the Innovation and Technological Development Award from the Murcia Chamber of Commerce

Hydroponic Systems receives the Innovation and Technological Development Award from the Murcia Chamber of Commerce

  • In its 2022 edition, the organisation has chosen our company as an example of business excellence

The Murcia Chamber of Commerce has awarded its annual prizes, recognising business excellence in various fields. In the category of Innovation and Technological Development it has decided to award the laurel to Hydroponic Systems. This is due to its promotion of new professional drainage solutions for hydroponic crops. Thanks to them, hundreds of farmers around the world have prevented their crops from becoming diseased.

Since 2014, the company based in the city of Murcia has been researching, designing and manufacturing drainage systems on which to place hydroponic and substrate crops. Thanks to them, and in particular its SPACER, for which it has an international patent, it prevents plant roots from being exposed to possible diseases that could spoil the plantations. These solutions are exported to some fourty countries around the world to produce everything from strawberries and tomatoes to blueberries and even medical cannabis.

The award ceremony will take place on 2 June during the ‘Night of the Murcian economy’ gala, an event in which, in addition to the award-winning companies, various political, social and economic authorities will take part.

All the award winners

Together with Hydroponic Systems, the Murcia Chamber of Commerce has decided to award Symborg (International Expansion), Inside (Select Trade), Mercado de Correos (Tourism Development) and Aválam (Professional Trajectory).


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