Hydroponic Systems introduced a hanging and standing gutter version of their drain channel system at the GreenTech last week. The hanging and standing gutter system of Hydroponic Systems is based on the companies’ basic principle with the simple but efficient Spacer system.
The spacer concept, which allows more air between the bottom of the slap and the drain channel, is known for its disease-pressure-reducing capacities. “Both high-tech vegetable and strawberry growers approached us with the question to engineer a more advanced version of our gutter system that they could either hang or place on support poles in the greenhouse.”
According to Bagheri, the installation of the system is very easy. “Some growers and crops demand hanging systems and others use metal legs for the systems. Both of these systems can be installed very easily.
Unlike common metal gutter systems, the gutter from Hydroponic Systems can be installed without heavy machinery. “The plastic parts, the V-shaped polypropylene, come on rolls with lengths specified to the sizes and dimensions of the greenhouse project. The other metal support parts are connectable lengths of five to six meters. This allows everything to fit in a shipping container.”
Bagheri said that the current drain channel system is now used in more than 12 countries in the last 24 months. “The spacer system proves that it is beneficial to have more ventilation between the slab and the drain channel. Many growers confirm the decrease of clogged systems as roots no longer have a chance to the dirty drainage water and leachates, plus they see less botrytis development in their crops, with higher and better products as a result. The roots are fresher and the temperature distribution is better too.”