Our PREMIUM SYSTEM calready has hundreds of satisfied customers all over the world. This efficient system to collect drainages in hydroponic crops has caused a sensation in the past years and has conquered the biggest producers in more than 30 countries.

Today we present you the testimony of a Mexican grower who runs a large farm in that country. In this high-tech facility, over the last few years, they have proven the advantages of our PREMIUM SYSTEM and the indisputable convenience of installing this system throughout its cultivated area.

This grower tells us about the advantages that our PREMIUM SYSTEM has given them in their cultivation based on the great experience they have with it. Our PREMIUM SYSTEM incorpora el SPACER (pat.), SYSTEM incorporates the SPACER (pat.), which allows a perfect support of the crop bag and enough ventilation between the bag and the flow of drains.

As this grower tells us, with our SPACER (pat.),roots do not leave the bag so neither drain holes are not blocked by them nor roots are exposed to the outside with the great risk of being attacked by pathogens.

This is very important because with our PREMIUM SYSTEMSYSTEM roots diseases and their contagion decreases, such as Fusarium.

The decrease in diseases means that:

• Plants can develop optimally, reaching their potential for growth and production.
•  Production costs decrease due to lower spending on phytosanitary products.

Our grower compares the use of our PREMIUM SYSTEMwith the “Unicel” (seedling trays protected by a plastic sheath), very widespread in Mexico.

Pepper crop in coco peat on Unicel

The use of Unicel presents big problems in crops that can lead to serious losses in production and therefore to great economic losses. Roots come out of the crop bag, drainages cannot flow properly so puddles are formed under the crop becoming a diseases focus.

To forget about this type of problems the best option is to installPREMIUM SYSTEM of Hydroponic Systems.

Premium System in cherry tomato, coco peat


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