Why it is profitable to grow strawberries in HS Evolution Pot
Why it is profitable to grow strawberries in HS Evolution Pot
Soilless crops have a multitude of advantages and their benefits have been exploited by farmers around the world for years. There are some obvious ones, such as the fact that they can be developed in practically any place where a greenhouse and its equipment can be installed, including even urban environments. And there are other indirect advantages that have to do with the main objective of any business: to obtain profitability.
Soilless crops usually generate greater profit possibilities for growers as they allow greater control in several important areas such as nutrient supply or the appearance of root diseases. Thus, thanks to this greater supervision, it is possible to achieve higher quantity and better quality productions, resulting in a direct economic benefit.
From this point on, it is important that each farmer is able to choose the ideal cultivation system for his greenhouse and for the plant he is working with. Thus, the same system will not work for growing blueberries in Chile as for growing strawberries in Norway.
How to make your strawberry crop more profitable
The strawberry is a crop that needs certain specific conditions in order to grow in size, quantity and quality. For this reason, its cultivation had to be limited to certain areas of the world where the climate was favourable… until this tasty and sweet fruit began to be grown in greenhouses, where it was easier to recreate the conditions it needs. And it got even better when growers became convinced that hydroponics could be a solution that would make their plantations more profitable.
To enhance their experience and help them grow their businesses, there are soilless growing systems on the market specifically for strawberries under glass. These have evolved over time to become more efficient in every way.
HS Evolution Pot: the key to a profitable strawberry plantation
Hydroponic Systems is a company whose cultivation units have achieved improvements in production percentages endorsed by independent entities such as Ceickor Centro Universitario (Mexico).
Its innovation and development work has led the company to develop several solutions for growing strawberries in the substrate, including the latest: the HS Evolution Pot, a system designed and manufactured exclusively for the production of this fruit. It has a metal gutter through which excess liquids circulate to promote drainage and prevent waterlogging. In addition, the Spacer-Pot contains the customized substrate for the plant.
Why does the HS Evolution Pot make strawberry cultivation more profitable?
In contrast to cultivation units of other companies, this new system has great durability, which allows it to be reused for several cycles, avoiding the cost of the substrate in bags and the cost of removing them. This is the first major economic saving.
In addition, the HS Evolution Pot has a higher production capacity than other systems. The use of the Spacer-Pot within this unit allows growers to optimize the cultivation space as they wish and according to their needs, for example, placing the strawberries in a zig-zag pattern if they wish to gain space. By not being limited by the holes in the substrate bags, they can increase the total number of plants. The equation is simple: the higher the production, the higher the chances of economic profit.
>> Benefits of growing strawberries in HS Evolution Pot
There is another important factor that also increases profitability in the long run. This is the flexibility that the HS Evolution Pot allows growers in their choice of substrate. Since the typical bags are not necessary, it is possible to purchase the substrate in bulk and even use each grower’s customized formula for even better results.
One of the most important keys is Zero Waste. The HS Evolution Pot, by not requiring the use of bags and using bulk substrate in the Spacer-Pot that crowns the system, avoids plastic waste, aligning itself with environmental sustainability objectives, avoiding penalties and also the costs associated with the purchase and removal of plastics after each cycle.
Advantages of growing strawberries in HS Evolution Pot
This system, designed and intended only for strawberry cultivation, has a number of unique advantages that growers can take advantage of to obtain greater profitability.
Among them, it is worth mentioning that thanks to the Spacer-Pot, the roots of the strawberry plants are kept separate from the drains and therefore possible waterlogging is avoided, also preventing the appearance of diseases that can affect not only an individual plant but a whole line of them. By avoiding this, the amount of product lost is much less. This is also helped by the fact that aeration is greater than in other systems and therefore oxygenation is optimal.
All these reasons make the HS Evolution Pot a profitable strawberry growing system for any producer of this fruit in the greenhouse. Do you also want to make your business more profitable economically? Be part of the market revolution, write us your questions without obligation and we will help you: